✍️Science Writing News Roundup #78 (January 30, 2022)
Thinking about a career in science writing? Hear from professionals in journalism and communications about various career paths.
Critically evaluating claims: Figuring out whether something is newsworthy can be hard. But, as science journalists, we need to examine these statements, and decide: Is this worth covering? If so, how do we do so objectively, without accidentally becoming a mouthpiece for hyperbolic claims?
🎨 Opportunities
🔖 Articles
The rise of science-based investigative journalism: Journalists are increasingly using the tools of science journalism and scientific inquiry to carry out investigative reporting, and even to shine a spotlight on questionable scientific findings.
Being receptive to opposing views — why it matters (plus 3 tips to help journalists build rapport with distrustful sources). A new paper offers insights into how to be more receptive to different opinions and the role it plays in building relationships and solving problems.
🧰 Resources
💻 Videos
Careers in science writing: Thinking about a career in science writing? Hear from professionals in journalism and communications about various career paths. This event was hosted by San Diego State University, San Diego Science Writers Association and San Diego Society of Professional Journalists.
Making sense of the latest pandemic news: A virtual conversation with journalist Robin Lloyd
Variants, vaccines and medications: What journalists need to know to improve COVID-19 coverage
Peering into the crystal ball: Predictions and trends for journalism in 2022
NSWA presents: Can humor help us fight misinformation about science?
🗺️ Events
Media briefing: Methane emissions in the United States (January 31, 2022)
How to up your pitching game: Sharpen your science-writing pitching skills and land your next story with professional ease! (February 2, 2022)
(Event in Portuguese) Semana em Rede | Mesa 1 - Treinamento em jornalismo e divulgação científica no Brasil (February 2, 2022)
(Event in Portuguese) Semana em Rede | Mesa 2 - Comunicando ciência em tempos de incerteza (February 4, 2022)
From scientist to science writer: How to break into a career in popular science writing (February 3, 2022)
Ed Yong with Wudan Yan: A Q&A about Yong’s Pulitzer Prize-winning COVID-19 coverage (February 10, 2022)
Online Science Journalism Course for journalists from Central and Eastern Europe (February 8th, 10th, 15th, and 17th)
AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards Ceremony (February 18, 2022)
Virtual NASW Internship Fair and Meet & Greet at AAAS 2022 (February 19, 2022)
📻 Jobs and internships
Intern - Science News Writer, Science, Remote, US
Health and Science Assignment Editor, The Washington Post, Washington, DC
Wildlife Reporter, New Scientist, US-based
Physics Reporter, New Scientist, US-based
Technology Reporter, New Scientist, US-based
Health Reporter, New Scientist, US-based
Environment Reporter, New Scientist, US-based
Senior Editor, Short Wave, NPR, US-based
English Editor – Latin America, Mongabay, Remote
Digital Director, Science News, Washington, DC
Associate Editor, Cancer Today, AACR, Philadelphia, PA
News Writer/Reporter, Cancer Discovery, AACR, Boston, Philadelphia, or Washington, DC
Science Communicator, Animate Your Science, Remote
Earth Science Education Author, Visionlearning, Remote
Deputy Editor, Gizmodo (Earther), G/O Media, New York, NY
Science Writer, Stanford Medicine, CA
Stewardship Writer, The Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA
Environmental Reporter, KGW, Portland, OR
FERN Midwest Climate Reporting Fellow, The Food & Environment Reporting Network, Midwest region
Social Media Manager, Canadian Science Policy Centre, Canada
More jobs 👉 Science Writing News Roundup #77
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