✍️Science Writing News Roundup #51 (July 5, 2021)
Apply now for Science Journalism Forum (SJF) 2021 attendance fellowships + Self-care tips for journalists
🧰 Resources and tips
An international student’s guide to freelancing in the U.S. “International students must take some preliminary steps with their schools before pursuing paid writing opportunities. Nevertheless, with planning and good record-keeping, it is possible to freelance while on a student visa,” writes Natalia Gutiérrez-Pinto.
How to pitch a science book. What makes for a good book? How do you even contact a press, find an editor, and pitch them? What does a pitch or book proposal even look like? Massive spoke with Miranda Martin, editor at Columbia University Press to talk through the details of the process.
Self-care tips for journalists — plus a list of several resources. There are many things journalists can do to improve their mental health. Here are some practical tips from Dr. Elana Newman, research director at the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma at Columbia University.
🌟 Opportunities
📣 Articles
Climate coverage feels the heat, again. The climate crisis is indeed making extreme heat worse, but—as is so often the case with coverage of weather events—news organizations haven’t uniformly done a great job of prominently communicating this context.
Newsrooms often don’t tell job and internship applicants that they didn’t get the gig. Is that wrong? The happy medium between informing job or internship applicants and managing busy newsrooms is hard to find.
👏 News
🖥️ Videos
What happened when scientists had the opportunity to ‘ask a reporter anything’. At a recent online event hosted by SciLine, scientists asked a panel of journalists questions about how journalism works.
2021 Science Writers' Boot Camp (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
Wiley Science Talks with Cochrane | What journalists need to know about research integrity.
🎟️ Events
Advanced Storytelling Workshop by The Story Collider (July 5, 2021)
Science Journalism Summer School, ABSW (July 8, 2021)
Talking Shop: Heat, Fires, and the Climate Connection (July 8, 2021)
ABSW 2021 Awards Ceremony, a free online event celebrating excellence in science writing (July 8, 2021)
Introductory Storytelling Workshop by The Story Collider (July 12, 2021)
Editing Controversial and “Controversial” Science (July 15, 2021)
Finding Ada Conference 2021 (July 20-22, 2021). Sessions include: How to write a popular science book, and how to start your own podcast.
💎 Jobs and internships
Investigations Editor, The BMJ, Cardiff, London, Noida, Beijing or New Jersey
Editorial Manager, DeepMind, London, UK
News/Data Editor, Science News, US-based
Science Writing Internship, Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Remote
Senior Reporter, Climate Justice, Guardian US, New York, NY
Production Editor (freelance), The Royal Astronomical Society, UK
More jobs 👉Science Writing News Roundup #50
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Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash